Today was a little tough. Sunshine's hemp flat didn't repeat yesterday's amazing performance and she woke up with leaks. It's too soon yet to say what happened. Maybe the lanolin is getting a bit thin on her soaker. Perhaps the diaper bag fold that I tried last night didn't absorb as well as the "jelly-roll" (aka origami) fold I usually use. Possibly she wet more because I wasn't able to get her up immediately this morning like I did yesterday. Or it could be the fact that her soaker slipped down and the hemp was exposed.
Other things that made today tough included back-to-back Code Browns from Pippin the Potty-Trainer. He's not technically signed up for the challenge, since I figured he'd object to traditional diapers, but we ditched the waterproof Gro-Via pull-ups he normally wears in favor of handwashable jockey shorts. We were hoping they might also speed up potty training, but that's been a vain hope so far. But since the other thing I routinely use my flats for is household clean-up, we went through most of my stash in slightly under two hours.
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This is what nine big box store bleached flats, four unbleached cotton boutique flats, one hemp flat, one prefold, two PUL covers, six wipes and four jockey shorts look like on a ten-foot line |
Since most of my stash for this week is pictured above, I thought it was a perfect lead-in to today's topic: Supplies.

- A six-pack of unbleached cotton flats from my local baby boutique store ($10)
- Ten cheap bleached cotton birdseye flats from a big box store that I bought when Pippin was a newborn
- A hemp flat for overnights, also from the baby boutique ($8)
- Three PUL covers
- Three AI2 shells, just in case
- A Snappi
- A bunch of wipes, mostly homemade terry/flannel assemblies in both 8"x8" and 4"x8" sizes
- Fleece liners (just in case - I don't expect to need them)
- A pack of jockey shorts ($7)
- A wool soaker, adapted from the Bubble Bum Baby Bloomers pattern
- A Curly Purly Soaker in progress (I didn't find my circular needles until yesterday)
- A diaper sprayer
- A bucket washer ($8 for a bucket and plunger)
- Dish detergent for washing
Other supplies:
- Moistening solution for wipes, in the perio bottle I took home from the hospital for postpartum personal care. I use glycerin soap bits, but water works in a pinch
- Diaper ointment (Sunshine had a rash flare-up last week) - the lanolin treats rashes AND waterproofs my woolies
- The prefold, Snappi, and wool shorties Pippin still wears at night. I wasn't going to buy toddler-sized flats just for this when he stays dry through the night 90% of the time anyway